Greece 2022: Recording, Presentation of the Open Call and Partnerships

The webinar was held on 10 March 2022. It was followed by approx. 90 participants from Greece, Norway and Iceland.
Matchmaking - book Meetings until May
A total of 115 participants had signed up to the webinar and signalled their interest in cooperation.
Those signed up, can access the profiles of the other participants in the B2Match platform, contact them and book meetings, either within the B2Match platform or separately with the contacts available.
If you had not signed up, you can sign up now. You will gain access to profiles with contact information and book meetings:
If you are still looking for a partner in Greece, Norway or Iceland, please contact Innovation Norway and we will be happy to assist in any other way!
Recording of the Webinar
See the video on YouTube here.
Agenda for the Webinar
- Welcome and introduction to the EEA Grants and status of the Business Innovation Greece Programme
- Programme Focus, Eligibility Requirements, Grant Rates & Partnership Opportunities
- Common mistakes and pitfalls
- Presentation of project examples implemented by Greek Project Promoters
- Plastics K.
- Kotronis
- EMVIS (See more: Greece: Greek-Norwegian cooperation takes desalination to new levels)
- Ulysses Hellas (See more: Greece: Ulysses/VesselMan - an integrated solution for blue growth)
- Hellenic Development Bank: relevant guarantee schemes
- Q&A
Presentations at the Webinar
See the consolidated power point presentation here!
The Open Call for Proposals
Business Innovation Greece will support projects that will contribute to increased competitiveness and profitability for Greek enterprises (and their partners, through innovation in products, services and processes.
The call will make available more than 8,300,000 euro to projects in the areas of:
- Green Industry Innovation
- Blue Growth
Project Partnerships
The call aims to increase the competitiveness of Greek businesses and increase their cooperation with partners from Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein. It encourages applications/projects with a Norwegian, Icelandic or Liechtenstein partner. Find a partner or read more here.
Travel Grants
The programme also offers travel grants for Greek and Norwegian, Icelandic or Liechtenstein partners to meet and plan a project applications together.
The aims of the travel grants is to strengthen cooperation and business partnerships between Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein and Greece: Rolling deadline: Travel Grants - Greece
The Business Innovation Programme in Greece
The project is supported by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein through the EEA Grants. See more opportunities under the Business Innovation Programme in Greece.