Bulgaria: Green Monitor 4.0
The Green Monitor product was originally developed in cooperation between InterConsult Bulgaria (ICB), Kongsberg Terotech and the University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.
This new project, implemented in partnership between InterConsult Bulgaria and the Norwegian partner HTS Maskinteknikk, takes Green Monitor further. The project will develop innovative tools for production enterprises that incorporate the latest digital technologies and trends in Industry 4.0.
Cooperation between companies and academia
The project Green Monitoring was supported by Norway through the former Green Industry Innovation Programme in Bulgaria.
The partnership project developed a far more efficient solution for monitoring and carrying out maintenance in industry. InterConsult Bulgaria (ICB) is an experienced software development company. Kongberg Terotech is renowned for its expertise on optimising the maintenance of industrial machinery. And NTNU are experts on management systems and information extraction.
Green Monitor enables companies to reduce energy consumption, production waste, consumption of oil and cutting fluids and the number of maintenance hours. Thus, they also increase profitability. The partners share the copyright and the project has been awarded prizes for its result.
- This has been a big and important project for us. And it has led to a concrete product that can now be further developed. It is the result of people from different countries and sectors working together. We have achieved a lot, says Jarle Gjøsæther, CEO of Kongsberg Terotech.
See the project story here: Bulgaria: Industrial Future with help from Norway.
A more holistic approach towards Industry 4.0
Green Monitor 4.0 will expand to cover digitalisation of the business and manufacturing processes in an enterprise with a holistic approach.
This will include workflow automation of the business and manufacturing, integration between management systems and the shop floor, creating digital twins of key manufacturing equipment, running smart data models and AI on data collected through sensor devices, implementing augmented reality in production maintenance activities and others.
The project results will be tested in the production of two enterprises: Optix in Bulgaria and HTS Maskinteknikk Norway.
The aim is that to facilitate greener and more efficient production processes and environmental friendly. If successful, the project will enable digital transformation of production as well as reduced waste materials and a reduced carbon footprint in the industry.
Expected project results:
- Development of new Industry 4.0 holistic concept for the enterprises based on industry best-practices research, expert knowledge and practical examples;
- Development of components and software tools of the Industry 4.0 concept
Business Development, Innovation and SMEs Programme in Bulgaria
The project is supported by Norway through the Norway Grants. See more opportunities under the SMEs Growth Programme in Bulgaria.
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