Romania: Public education with energy efficiency

The aim is to implement an integrated set of measures aimed at optimising energy consumption and reducing CO2 emissions, aligning them with European energy performance standards and requirements. The project improved the energy efficiency in public buildings with thermal insulation of buildings and power plants for heating as alternative eco-friendly systems.
“We want to implement many projects like this in the future”
The mayor of Lumina, Dumitru Chiru, states that the project is a significant opportunity:
At least 932 schoolchildren will benefit directly from the project and three public schools and one Communitary Center will be comprehensive refurbishment, improve energy efficiency and undergo structural modernisation works.
Active involvement of the community
By actively including all school population, the project is set to offer insights about ways to lower a building’s energy footprint through effectively managing building operations, raising public awareness in the entire Metropolitan Constanta area.
Results of the project
- estimated annual CO2 emission reduction: 84,64 tones CO2 / year.
- reduction of energy consumption with 313,69 MW/year or 59,58 % of the present energy .
- annual saving from energy efficiency measures, of 14 568 Є.
The Energy Programme in Romania
The project is supported by Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein through the EEA and Norway Grants. See more opportunities under the Energy Programme in Romania.