Romania: Geothermal welcome at the Oradea

Oradea Expres Hotel was established in spring 2003 in Bors, Romania. Bors is a border town, linking Romania to Hungary as well as Eastern to Western Europe.
Oradea partnered up with the Icelandic partner, Navigo, for a project funded by the EEA and Norway Grants. The project is funded through the open call on geothermal energy as part of the Energy Programme.
The project will support Oradea Expres Hotel to use local, geothermal resources to increase energy efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions and attract visitors.
Cooperation with Iceland
With expertise from the Icelandic partner, Navigo, the project aims to increase the general efficiency of the company, along with promoting clean energy production, to improve the eco-friendly approach and decrease low carbon emissions.
The project will replace the current gas-based heating system with a new innovative geothermal solution. The installation will have an installed capacity equivalent with 0.250 MW, an annual estimated production of 721.36 MWh and an estimated 220.736 tonnes of CO2/year greenhouse gas impact reduction.
Results of the project
- One fully operational geothermal system (installed capacity of the proposed system is equivalent with 0.250 MW)
- Annual CO2 emissions reductions (in tonnes CO2 eq./year): 220.736 tonnes of CO2eq/year
- Energy produced from the goethermal source equals (in MWh/year): 721.360 MWh/year
The Energy Programme in Romania
The project is supported by Norway, Iceland and Liechtensten through the EEA and Norway Grants. See more opportunities under the Energy Programme in Romania.