Romania - Interim Reports
Interim Reports/Final Report must cover minimum three and maximum six months. The timeline to submit reports is set by the Project Promoter in the Disbursement Plan.
Interim Reports/Final Report must be submitted exclusively through the on-line Reporting Platform and must include the documents listed in the Checklist for submission of reports (which must also be attached to the report). Please submit the documents in the same order as the one in the checklist.
- Narrative Interim/Final Report (template)
- Financial Report (template)
- Updated Disbursement Plan (sheet 2 of the Financial Report)
- Invoices for all project expenses in the reporting period and Proof of payment of expenses requested for reimbursement (Payment order)
- The same financial report template shall be used for all interim reports
- Audit Report in English (in line with the requirements provided in the Standard Terms and Conditions annexed to the project contract)
- A valid auditor’s certificate and authorization
- Bank statement(s) for project account(s), covering the reporting period
- Trial Balance Sheet (RO: balanta sintetica) / Balance Sheet (RO: balanta de verificare) of the company/organization/public authority for the last reporting month
- Procurement Dossier(s) - tendering and procurement documentation as required by the applicable legislation
- If project procurements were finalized during the reporting period, the Procurement Dossier(s) (and related Procurement Checklist) must be submitted together with the Interim Report within which the procurement(s) was/were finalized
- Statement on non-existence of conflict of interest for contracting project promotors, beneficiaries of EEA / Norway Grants (template)
- Photos and/or video showing works (in progress or completed), equipment (including serial number of selected equipment – usually the main, expensive equipment), location of the investment
- Proof of publicity measures implemented in the reporting period (in accordance with Communication Plan)
- Timesheets for the project staff (no template provided) and supporting documents for employed personnel
- Checklist for submission of reports
Guidance and template documents for the submission of Interim/Final Reports:
- Audit Report Minimum Requirements
- Documents for type of expenses
- Financial Identification Form (template)
- Communication Guidelines
- Video testimonial guidelines
- Comprehensive glossary of Terms
After submitting the Interim/Final Report through the on-line Reporting Platform, please inform by email your case handler from Innovation Norway, with a copy to the Programme email address – use the applicable email address as per the Programme under which your project is financed:
- [email protected] - Energy Programme in Romania
- [email protected] - SMEs Growth Programme Romania
Project Modification
With the exceptions stipulated in paragraph 7.3 of Standard Terms and Conditions, any modifications of the project shall be subject to Innovation Norway’s prior written approval. In case you intend to submit a project modification request, please use this template:
- Project modification request (template)
All project modifications should be sent to the case handler responsible for your project with a copy to the Programme email address.