Rolling deadline: Travel Grants - Croatia

Travel support
The aim of the travel support is to facilitate establishment of bilateral business partnerships between Norway and Croatia.
See all the information on this call for travel support in the:
Guidelines for Travel Grants Call
The aim of the travel grants is to meet, discuss and explore whether to cooperate on joint application to the open calls under this programme.
What is Offered?
The support from the Fund for Bilateral Relations is a travel grant awarded as a lump sum (meaning one standard rate) at 1500 euro per entity for Norway/Croatia or Croatia/Norway.
There is no fixed deadline - the submission of applications is continuous until depletion of the budget.
The travel support is awarded as de minimis aid under "COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid" as published in the
Official Journal L 352, 24.12.2013, pages 1-8".
How to Apply?
The Programme language is English. Therefore, all applications shall be submitted in English!
Innovation Norway will apply a simplified application procedure. Please follow the instructions presented at the weblink indicated below.
- Applications shall be completed online at Travel support form link at the bottom of the main Programme website, or directly at the following web link
- It is important to fill in all the sections of the online application with clear details as follows:
- Entity name, contact person, telephone, e-mail, year of establishment and website;
- The entities registration number (for Croatian enterprises) from the Court Register;
- Main line of business / economic sector;
- Main purpose of the travel and meetings;
- Focus area(s) targeted by the future partnership project;
- Expected outcome of visit to Croatia / Norway;
- Meeting agenda in Croatia/ Norway; List the entities, location, contact details and person that the company will meet.
- Before travelling you need to obtain Innovation Norway’s written approval. A confirmation will be sent you by email from the official Programme email [email protected]
Who Can Apply?
Entities from Croatia and the Donor State (Norway) can apply for funding. The applicants must be constituted as legal entities in Croatia or in Norway.
See detailed information on the entities eligible for financial support under this call for travel support in the guidelines document.
Business Development and Innovation Programme in Croatia
The project is supported by Norway through the Norway Grants. See more on the Business Development and Innovation Programme in Croatia.
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