Pre-announcement (updated) for the 2nd Call of Proposals Greece

The Business Innovation Greece Programme seeks to increase the competitivness, value creation and sustainable growth of Greek enterprises. In June/July 2020 the 2nd Call for Proposals will be launched - stay tuned to learn if this opportunity is relevant for you.
This is a business development Programme that will finance business growth and the scaling-up of activities. Greek enterprises can apply for a grant to finance part of a project to bring more innovation in products, services and processes.
A second Call for Proposals will be announced in June/July 2020. In the 2nd Call for Proposals, we are in particular encouraging projects within:
- Green Industry Innovation, projects for greening of the manufacturing and production industries.
- Blue Growth, projects which support sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sector in general. Sea, ocean, rivers, lakes and islands represent resources for innovation and economic growth.
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