Green construction - Seminar and business mixer for Polish and Norwegian companies
The event took place on 21 October 2021 in Lillestrøm during Bygg Reis Deg 2021 - the largest construction trade fair in Scandinavia. It kicked off with very short welcomes from the Norwegian and Polish organisers before preceding to panel discussions, offering perspectives from Poland and Norway on green construction and partnerships.
See more opportunities for cooperation below!
«Now documented that green buildings are worth more”
These were the words from Ole Jonny Klakegg, Industry Coordinator Building Construction, Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Prosjekt Norge. Mr. Klakegg underlined that the trend is clearly green, and that customers wish to invest in green buildings.
Things are changing, and we should expect more specific rules and regulations for green and sustainable construction. However, compliance, documentation and verification are not the main challenges in achieving greener construction. The main challenge is mindsets of all actors involved.
Marcus Hjelleset, Head of Real Estate Unloc, agreed: “The trend is clear and it also comes upwards. Even consumers - regular people - ask, expect and demand that the buildings they use being green”.
He also noted that Poland seems to be better rigged for the green shift in construction. Norway needs that expertise.
“Poland is number one exporter of green building materials in the EU and second in the world after China”
This impressive fact was pointed out by Wojciech Chatys, Senior Consultant, Polish Investment and Trade Agency. He underlined with examples.
The largest modular building in the world is made in Poland and shipped across the Atlantic where it towers 50 floors high on Manhattan. Polish companies are also leading builders of passive houses and other types of green construction. Companies present at the seminar had constructed buildings ranging from 50 passive houses outside Dubai to the royal palace in Marocco.
Overall, the 67 participants at the event included 14 from Norway and 53 from Poland.
Good opportunities for cooperation
Do you need technology or a partner to implement a project in the construction industry that involves environmental and innovation aspects? Contact us to find the right fit for your idea.
Alexander Brage Hansen, CEO of BuildingSmart, gave a presentation on the importance of open standards. Norwegian government and industry are investing heavily in digitisation, and there are good chances for Polish participation.
The participants at the event included very solid and exciting companies from Poland which are interested in cooperation with Norwegian partners.
PARP prepared an overview of the profiles of 25 participants - 30 profiles from Poland and 5 profiles from Norway.
Check out the list and contact them if interested!
Travel Grants for Norwegian and Polish SMEs
The Norway Grants Business Development, Innovation and SMEs Programme in Poland offers travel grants for Norwegian and Polish entities interested in cooperation. The travel grants were presented at the seminar. There will be an open call where Norwegian SMEs can apply and travel to meet with potential Polish partners in connection with Polish trade fairs.
Polish SMEs can apply to travel to Norway and attend other Norwegian events together with a partner. More information will be available soon.
Business Development, Innovation and SMEs in Poland
The event is hosted by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and Innovation Norway as part of the Business Development, Innovation and SMEs Programme in Poland, financed by Norway.