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Coming together for a circular European economy - Oslo Innovation Week 2024

Poster with the text Green Morning with the EEA and Norway Grants© Oslo Innovation Week/Innovation Norway
Innovation Norway and partners invited 100 participants to a green and circular morning with the EEA and Norway Grants network!

Focusing on circular economy, this networking event allowed the participants to explore circular business possibilities and meet potential business partners from across Europe!

Read more about the vent here.

Presentations from the event

Navigating the Shift: How Businesses Can Lead in the Circular Economy, Bjørn Haugland, Chief Executive Officer of the business-driven climate initiative Skift

Circular economy - more than a side-quest? Benedikte Bekkevold Hansen, Project Manager NCCE - Norwegian Centre of Circular Economy

Best practices from circular economy projects

Integrated innovative VMS for boats and small ships -i2VMS

Ivaylo Simeonov​, Director Maritime and Satellite Systems​, Scortel (BG)

Tor Rune Skoglund​, Chief Executive Officer, FourC (NO – partner)

Best practice models in circular economy and social integration

Angela Achitei​, President​, ADV Romania (RO)

Geir Ebbesen, Tjenesteleder, Unikum Aktiv (NO - partner)

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