Blue Growth

In Blue Growth, the programmes support business cooperation, innovation and competitiveness in the marine and maritime sectors. Seas, oceans, coastal areas, rivers and lakes are drivers of the European economy. They have great potential for innovation, new technology and growth, but the activities along the waters put the resources at increasing risk. The aim of the support to blue growth is contributing to a sustainable blue economy.
The aim of the Blue Growth focus area is to address this, and ensure that our oceans, rivers and lakes are safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed, while remaining an important part of our economies.
The Blue Growth focus area
- Blue technologies/processes/solutions developed (new to the market)
- Blue technologies/processes/solutions applied (new to the enterprise)
Typical activities which are supported
Development and investment in:
- maritime supra-structures
- coastal and maritime tourism
- sea bed mining resources
- blue biotechnology
Development of solutions related to:
- maritime transport
- blue energy
Development of innovative solutions/technologies within:
- fisheries and aquaculture
- marine litter and waste
- water supply, including desalination.