14/07/2022: Romania, Support for start-ups

Read the call text in English: Call for Proposal, Support for Start-ups
Read the call text in Romanian: Call for Proposal, Support for Start-ups
Thursday, 14 July 2022, 14:00 (Romanian time).
Projects must be completed by 30 April 2024 at the latest.
Available funding
A total of 3,584,738 euro.
Between 10,000 euro and 200,000 euro per project.
This call will finance projects submitted by Romanian start-ups. The focus of the projects should be one of the three main areas of the Programme: Green Industry Innovation, Blue Growth and ICT.
The projects should contribute to "increased competitiveness for Romanian enterprises within the mentioned areas", in the form of growth in turnover and net operational profit and job creation.
Eligible activities
This call can provide support for projects that will develop and implement activities within the enterprise applying for funding, in one or more of the following areas. Projects must contribute directly to increased revenues and improved capacity for business development of the applicants. Read more about this in the call text.
Who can apply?
Romanian micro and small enterprises. The applicants:
- must have been established and registered for at least 6 months and maximum 4 years of operation at the date of the deadline of the Call;
- must be operating within one of the three focus areas of programme (Green Industry Innovation, Blue growth and ICT).
- shall be unlisted small enterprises up to four years following their registration, which have not yet distributed profits and have not been formed through a merger.
Who can be partner?
The start-ups can apply to the call together with partners. The partners can be entities in Romania or in one of the Donor States (Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein).
Eligible partners are any private or public entity, commercial or non-commercial, established as a legal person in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein or in Romania.
Oslo Innovation Week
Innovation Norway invites a selection of 10 applicants to this call to participate at Oslo Innovation Week in September 2022. The participants will receive trave grants.
Application documents
The following mandatory attachment templates will be featured on the website soon:
- Expected outcomes and Outputs of the implementation of the project
- Detailed Activity Based Budget in excel format
- Procurement Plan
- Letter of Commitment
- Draft Partnership Agreement (if relevant)
- CVs of the project management team
- Self-declaration of the Applicant
- Self-declaration of the Partner(s)
- Communication Plan
- Relevant Registration Certificates and statutory documents; Applicants: certificate of status (‘certificat constatator’) issued by the Romanian Trade Register Office (which should include extensive information about enterprise’s up to date status)
Partners: relevant registration certificate (or similar), issued by the competent authority in the Donor State/Beneficiary State - Certified annual accounts of the Applicant for 2019, 2020 and 2021, bearing the Applicant’s signature (electronic or handwritten) and fiscal authority registration number (index).
Essential Reading for Project Applicants
The following essential reading attachments will be published on the website soon.